Jennifer Lanski
Proxy Mailbox
MARCH 1 - 31, 2015
Opening Reception: Thurs. March 26, 6-8 pm
PROXY GALLERY is delighted to host the installation Proxy Mailbox by Jennifer Lanski.
The installation, turning the Proxy Gallery into a mailbox, will consist of a series of handmade envelopes and postcards that will be mailed by Lanski to Proxy over the course of the month of March 2015. The envelopes will be opened during the opening reception near the end of the month, while the postcards will be available to view and handle throughout the exhibition. Here the meticulous adherence to USPS rules (various stamp configurations that add up to 34 cents), both facilitating and prohibitive, points to their absurdity.
Laski’s conceptual rigor uses the tools of rationalism both to impose order and to reveal its fissures: by focusing on the numerical aspect of experience she emphasizes the materiality of the work of art that cannot be reduced to virtuality. The stamps and their arrangement are like little geometric abstractions with a humorously deterministic vocabulary. The fixed-size rectangles (stamps) with fixed images on them, become form as content. The medium becomes the message.